
Fall Basketball Completely Full!!!

Our team training program as well as our small group pod training sessions are completely full for the next 3 months. Check back in November for possible tryouts for our Jan-Mar season.


September Small Group Training Registration is Now Open

September Small Group Outdoor Training
Boys and Girls 3rd-12th Grade

Thank you for your interest in our small group trainings. There will be anywhere from 3-7 groups total. Each group will be paired with one coach per station and there will be no more than 5 players per coach. All coaches will be masked. King County is in Phase 2 of reopening, this allows outdoor recreation and fitness with five (not including the instructor) or fewer people outside the household. These small group training sessions will begin Sept 7th. Groups will be limited to a maximum of 5 student-athletes around the same grade and same gender. Coach Chase Young along with SS team coaches will help instruct them through each drill. The small groups will circuit train through stretching, conditioning, speed/agility, layups, ball handling, shooting, post moves, scoring, and advanced moves.

Each session is 90 minutes long and costs $25 per session. You are able to register for multiple classes a week. Partial scholarships are available for families hit hard by COVID-19. Families who have credit in our program can opt to use some of it here. There is no mandatory payment for any of the families who were kind and generous enough to donate some of their team fee to our program amidst the pandemic. Thank you for your amazing support.

These classes are for boys and girls 3rd-12th grade. Players will be grouped with other players of the similar grade.

Register Now


August Small Group Training Registration is Now Open

August Small Group Outdoor Training
Boys and Girls 3rd-12th Grade

Location: Eckstein Middle School

Thank you for your interest in our small group training with 5 players or less. King County is in Phase 2 of reopening, this allows outdoor recreation and fitness with five (not including the instructor) or fewer people outside the household. These small group training sessions will begin August 3rd. Groups will be limited to a maximum of 5 student-athletes of the same grade and gender. Coach Chase Young along with SS team coaches will help instruct them through each drill. The small groups will circuit train through stretching, speed/agility, layups, ball handling, shooting, scoring and advanced moves.

Each session is 90 minutes long and costs $100/4 classes per month. You are able to register for multiple classes a week. Partial scholarships are available for families hit hard by COVID-19. Families who have credit in our program can opt to use some of it here. There is no mandatory payment for any of the families who were kind and generous enough to donate some of their team fee to our program amidst the pandemic. Thank you for your amazing support.

Register Now


Virtual Season – Week 1 Results

Results are in for week 1 of our 10 week virtual season. Congrats to the 7th graders and to everyone for their hard work and dedication on week 1!!!


Spring/Summer Travel Team Tryouts Now Posted!!!

Please Note: All players must register before tryouts.

Youth and HS Boys Team Tryouts

Grade Level for 2019-2020 School Year
Location: Calvary Church – 6801 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle

Grade Date Time
3rd Grade Boys Feb 24th (Monday) 5-6:15pm
4th Grade Boys Feb 24th (Monday) 5-6:15pm
5th Grade Boys Feb 24th (Monday) 6:15-7:30pm
6th Grade Boys Feb 24th (Monday) 7:30-8:45pm
7th Grade Boys Feb 27th (Thursday) 5-6:15pm
8th Grade Boys Feb 27th (Thursday) 6:15-7:30pm
9th Grade Boys Feb 27th (Thursday) & Mar 8th for players at state 5-6:15pm
10th Grade Boys Mar 1st (Sunday) & Mar 8th for players at state 6:15-7:30pm
11th/12th Grade Boys Mar 1st (Sunday) & Mar 8th for players at state 7:30-8:45pm

Register For Tryouts

Youth Girls Team Tryouts

Grade Level for 2019-2020 School Year
Location: Calvary Church – 6801 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, WA. 98115

***Seattle Select Girls Team Tryouts Have Been Rescheduled for March 12th @ Calvary Church***
Grade Date Time
4th Grade Girls Mar 12th (Thursday) 6:45-7:45pm
5th Grade Girls Mar 12th (Thursday) 6:45-7:45pm
6th Grade Girls Mar 12th (Thursday) 7:45-8:45pm
7th Grade Girls Mar 12th (Thursday) 7:45-8:45pm

Register For Tryouts