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2022 Spring In-House Training League

Thank you for your interest in our Spring In-house Training League. This league will run on Sundays at Calvary Church with coaches Chase Young, Greg Kalina, and other Seattle Select staff. Each session will be split between training and live games.

Training will consist of fundamentals and concepts for all positions on offense and defense.

Each week will focus on a specific position in addition to a weekly mindful message, live game, and basketball homework.

Live games are 20-minutes running clock halves that reinforce the weekly concepts. Everyone plays equally.

Players will receive SS league jerseys and can sign up to play with friends and teammates.

In-House Training League March 13th – May 22nd
$350 (includes reversible jersey or Spring Seattle Select team shirt)
Location: Calvary Church Gym – 6801 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, WA. 98115

Sundays Only

  • Boys 3rd-5th 4:00-5:15pm
  • Girls 5th-8th 5:15-6:30pm
  • Boys 6th-8th 6:30-7:45pm
  • Boys 9th-12th 7:45-9:00pm

Register Here


R3BAR/CHB Elite Camp


Thank you for your interest in our elite training camp with the founders of R3BAR (Tim Manson) and CHB(Chris Hyppa) who are leading trainers in the NW. These professional trainers and their products are proven to help develop strength, mobility, flexibility, speed, and bring your ball handling and attacking to the next level.

Register Here


Winter In-House Training League


Thank you for your interest in our Winter In-house Training League. This league will run on Saturdays to help give our community student-athletes a place to play since the Seattle Parks and Rec League is most likely not going to happen this year. Players will attend once a week for 1.25 hours. They will train for the first half and play in live games the second half of class. Our coaches and trainers will ref the games and a score board will be used. Training will consist of fundamentals and concepts for all positions on offense and defense. We will also work on multiple offenses and defenses during our live scrimmages.

Location: Calvary Church Gym – 6801 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, WA. 98115

$450 Includes Jersey or Shirt

Register Here


2021-2022 Winter Season November-February


Register Here

Thank you for your interest in our Winter season with Roosevelt Select Feeder. The 4 month season runs from November through February. It is ok for student-athletes to play for a CYO or school team. This Winter we will compete in the Mercer Island Peak Feeder League with games most likely on Sundays. Our teams will practice/train once a week on Fridays at Calvary Church. If the team doesn’t work out for you this year, you can always join our Winter In-House league which is a weekly Saturday session of training and live 5 on 5 scrimmage with similar age players. Our teams are coached by staff members or qualified parent coaches who will be overseen by our staff. If you are interested in helping coach you can note it in the registration below.

You must pre-register before tryouts and there is a tryout fee of $5 cash or check at the door.

Location: Calvary Church Gym – 6801 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, WA. 98115


Dec-Feb MI Peak League


Winter Season: $930 (4 months includes coach, events, practices)

Forming Teams: We will try to have teams formed by Oct. 31st by which date you will receive an email about the team your student-athlete has been placed on. For those not placed on a team, we can still help find ways to get them involved in the program through our Winter Training League.

Tryouts Oct. 23rd @ Calvary Church – 6801 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle


  • 4th-6th 3-4pm
  • 7th-8th 4-5pm


  • 3rd-4th 5:15-6:15pm
  • 5th-6th 6:30-7:30pm
  • 7th-8th 7:45-8:45pm

July 7-8 All-Academic Super Bowl and Summer Classic in LA!


Our high academic teams went down to LA for the AAB and WCE Summer Classic where they competed against elite comp in front of college coaches from all over the country. We also visited Chapman University and Vanguard University.


July 1-3 10th Annual Battle in Seattle in Centralia 200 teams


Seattle Select hosted the 10th Annual Battle in Seattle down at the Centralia Sports Hub in conjunction with WCE. The event turned out to be massive with teams coming as far as Hawaii, California, and Nevada. The 8th grade and 11th grade teams went undefeated.


6th annual NW High Academic Showcase


6th annual NW High Academic Showcase in conjunction with WCE and AAB was a huge success last week. Over 50 college coaches from high academic colleges from all over the country. Next stop for our HS teams is the AAB High Academic Super Bowl in LA July 7-8.